KUMAGAI could cut High Manganese steel plate(Hadfield steel) for you !

  • Product
  • High Manganese
KUMAGAI could cut High Manganese steel plate(Hadfield steel)  for you !

Good day.

Here is the great news for you guys.

Now Kumagai could provide the cutting processes service of the High Manganese steel plate(NM-13MN)

We’re also considering the sales of  cutting plates based on your requirement . So, please don’t hesitant to contact us first!

As the characteristic with low thermal conductivity but high processing curability at the same time ,

the High Manganese steel plate with good resistance during conditions of  serve impact.

Although the previous reason make NM13-MN be unsuitable for the machine processing, we still tried it bravely !


That being said, first we made the sample of the surface processing! !

As you can see from the picture , the parts with gloss are been processed

Because there is a limit to the work , we will get to develop the utilization from here.

If you are interested in this part , please contact us first !

Aside to that , as the high manganese steel  is a unique non-magnetic steel ,one of the characteristics is that it won’t be sticked by the manganese.We are still try to figure out how to utilize this material for various purposes.

We also stock up on abundant standard size steel.

Please feel free to contact us about the High Manganese steel. (NM-13MN)

***Contact Information↓***

Please E-mail us for inquiry.


Please inquire for other kinds of special steel, in addition to other processing techniques.



Please inquire for other kinds of special steel,
in addition to other processing techniques.
